News that
drive changes
Approval of the Law on incentives for formalization will boost the country's SMEs (07/14/24)
Approval of the Law on incentives for formalization will boost the country's SMEs (07/14/24)
SMEs can opt for seed capital from regional program (05/27/24)
SMEs face impacts due to the behavior of the dollar exchange rate (01/26/24)
Aprobación de Ley de incentivos para la formalización potenciará a las mipymes del país (14/07/24)
Este martes iniciará
el foro global de emprendimiento (11/10/24)
SMEs accompanied by CELIEM generated
436 jobs and increased their sales by 12% during 2023 (12/28/23)
MSMEs from Cartago
They already have
specialized center
in development
business (12/5/23)
Celiem welcomes progress of the bill on entrepreneurial culture (15/3/23)
172 entrepreneurs strengthened their business behavior thanks to Empretec (11/24/23)
CELIEM SMEs will be able to strengthen trade exchange between Costa Rica
and USA (8/5/23)
Female microentrepreneurs are key to the growth of Costa Rica and the region (8/3/23)
Bill on incentives for MSMEs will strengthen this sector (05/10/23)
Empretec Program
Call for applications is open
for entrepreneurship
and SMEs (24/3/23)
MSMEs supported by Celiem generated 415 jobs and sales of $1.3 million during 2022 (12/28/22)
Migrant SMEs are a valuable opportunity to generate jobs and economic growth in Costa Rica (08/12/22)
MSMEs in Cartago will have a specialized center for business development (12/14/22)
Celiem begins operations in the Dominican Republic to strengthen the country's SME ecosystem (11/24/22)
CIEmprender Fair will showcase the talent of 40 startups this Friday (11/16/22)
Most MSMEs recognize that sustainable businesses are profitable and face emerging challenges (9/14/22)
Sports ventures become business opportunities despite structural challenges (25/8/22)
Costa Rican SMEs will be strengthened thanks to a strategic link with SBDC in the United States (8/18/22)
Associativity and linkage in MSMEs would facilitate contribution to sustainability (28/7/22)
Bill presented to encourage formalization and development of MSMEs
in Costa Rica (6/21/22)
Green economy can triple the growth of MSMEs (21/6/22)
Bill seeks to promote entrepreneurship and innovation through the education system (20/7/22)
Female SMEs require differentiated services to reduce gaps and accelerate their growth (01/6/22)
SMEs will be able to participate in training on online sales and finance tools (16/5/22)
Regional entrepreneurs allocate the majority of their business income to household expenses (10/5/22)
Associative, creative and cultural ventures can still apply for seed capital resources (20/4/22)
CELIEM joins the Costa Rican Business Collective to contribute to the promotion of the productive sector (3/29/22)
International organizations learn about the agenda for strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem and MSMEs (24/3/22)
Associative ventures with social, creative and cultural impact will benefit from seed capital from the Impact Fund (21/3/22)
Social enterprises from Costa Rica and the region will benefit from strategic link (17/3/22)
Celiem is the new SBD Seed Capital operating agency to promote entrepreneurial growth (1/13/22)
SMEs supported by Celiem generated 400 jobs and sales of $2.8 million during 2021. (12/23/21)
Strategic alliance will improve the competitiveness of MSMEs in international markets. (5/10/21)
Digital Transformation and Innovation in MSMEs in Latin America. (9/27/21)
CELIEM celebrates approval of Law that improves the condition of MSMEs (6/29/21)
Reactivation of MSMEs in the COVID-19 Context (18/6/21)
Strategic alliance will boost entrepreneurship and innovation in Latin America (19/3/21)
Free webinars for entrepreneurs and SMEs (3/3/21)
CELIEM promotes the strengthening of skills and capabilities in the entrepreneurship ecosystem (1/25/21)