There are business ideas, as well as micro, small and medium-sized companies with interesting products and services to expand in the markets, however, they have not achieved the expected business development due to factors such as lack of knowledge in cost processes, poor market entry, little innovation, scarce creation of new products, informality, among others.
It is for these reasons that we provide individual and personalized support services to entrepreneurs, businessmen or associative groups with business projects, which is provided by our business advisors who focus on guiding businessmen in:

Development and improvement of business skills and abilities.

Strengthening business growth by increasing customers and sales.

Improving the company's competitive positioning in the markets.

We provide this service to each MSME for a set period, during which a diagnosis is applied at the beginning of the process to find out the current situation and the areas that need to be strengthened with the goal of creating a support plan focused on meeting those objectives, which will be worked on together with the advisor during the support process. Once concluded, another exit profile diagnosis will be applied to find out impacts such as sales growth, creation of new products, impact on jobs, improvement in marketing, among others.
This diagnosis is part of our care model, a procedure that contains important parts of our added value at CIE. With this model we define the stage of evolution of the company and prioritize a support process oriented towards results and impacts that strengthen the growth of the productive units.
We developed this resource in the following stages :
Phase No. 1
Diagnosis, Evaluation and Definition
Accompaniment Plan
Interview with SME Manager
from the Center
Preparation of the Company Diagnosis and definition of the Evolution stage
Estimation of the areas of focus of attention and needs of the company
Definition of the Accompaniment Plan
Phase No. 2
Implementation of the
Accompaniment Plan
Specialized and personalized
Virtual and/or in-person training in specific areas as needed
Impact measurement
and advances
Validation or restructuring of the personalized Support Plan
Phase No. 3
and recommendations
Evaluating results and meeting objectives
Preparation of the
Output Profile
Impact review
in indicators
Final Recommendations

Complementary values of
business support
SMEs that benefit from our business support will not only be able to opt for personalized advisory sessions with their manager, but will also have the opportunity to receive guidance on specific topics that they need to strengthen, for example: formalization procedures and processes, costs, customer service, concerns about SICOP, marketing, communication, among other areas. These personalized spaces are taught by professionals in each topic and are carried out according to the identified needs:

Technical advice

Thanks to the support plan and the diagnosis that we apply to MSMEs, we are able to identify the issues that affect their growth and that require strengthening. This is how, through technical advice provided by an expert consultant from the CIE, the company's specific situation is known, clarifies doubts and provides recommendations to improve the situation in that specific area.
This assistance is included in the accompaniment and lasts approximately one hour per topic.

Technical advice

The experience of our business advisors identifies when specialized technical advice needs to be expanded and deepened to improve the performance of the company served.
This more extensive service is provided by specialists from Universidad Latina or CIE allies who are required to advance the objectives of the MSME according to the support plan prepared, but who cannot be attended to by business advisors or covered by external consultants in the times assigned within the contracted package.


Guiding from proven experience will always add value to the process of supporting an MSME. We make this possible through mentoring provided by members of the Latin University Mentor Network, who, based on their experiences, help MSMEs reduce learning curves and accelerate their business processes.
As with contracted technical advice, the decision to provide mentoring to a company will depend on its evolution and needs, so, once again, our business managers will be responsible for determining whether this process will be applied during the support to achieve a more appropriate performance in the growth of the business served.


The academic achievements we have in the different schools of the Latin University can also be incorporated into the support process for MSMEs.
This service, offered by the University so that students can also gain experience while connecting with SMEs, is implemented with one or a group of students for a maximum period of five months in priority areas for SMEs to support them in their business support processes when so established by the business manager.
An example of this service is the development of an architectural design for the Association
of Communal Development of Tuis
from Turrialba.


Guiding from proven experience will always add value to the process of supporting an MSME. We make this possible through mentoring provided by members of the Latin University Mentor Network, who, based on their experiences, help MSMEs reduce learning curves and accelerate their business processes.
As with contracted technical advice, the decision to provide mentoring to a company will depend on its evolution and needs, so, once again, our business managers will be responsible for determining whether this process will be applied during the support to achieve a more appropriate performance in the growth of the business served.