Building solutions for the
challenges of MSMEs
Latin American MSMEs already faced structural challenges that affected their performance before the pandemic. However, this global onslaught increased these challenges. Therefore, CELIEM, together with other strategic actors in the MSME ecosystem at that time, joined forces to create a space for generating analysis and policies that would strengthen this productive segment.
This is how the Mipyme Latam Congress was born in 2020 , an effort led by CELIEM with the support of key organizations. The three editions we have held have stood out for their high level of analysis thanks to the participation of international experts on specialized topics.
Furthermore, as a result of these spaces and the professional contributions collected, we were able to create, thanks to ICAP and COLEF, three compilation notebooks of presentations, expert panels and keynote talks that made up these editions of the Congress.
This Congress has also been a reason to develop specialized CELIEM monitoring in which we have been able to show challenges and opportunities in topics such as sustainability in MSMEs and digital transformation.
carried out